Flexible, low-power, full-performance acquisition.
An integrated solution that scales with your needs
The intuitive workflows of the Pegasus ecosystem remove the challenges of configuring, deploying, and managing multiple stations in the field, and deliver automatically constructed ready-to-analyze data and metadata. Deliberately designed with every modular component thoughtfully integrated to provide the most intuitive experience possible, every aspect of the Pegasus system is optimized for simplicity and ease-of-use, while ensuring the highest levels of data quality and availability from even the most demanding project environments.
Pegasus is a revolution in size, weight and power consumption; yet it maintains the fidelity and versatility of a modern broadband data acquisition system. With a boot time of a few seconds, Smart Sensor auto-configuration and the ability to recover one month of miniseed data in under 10 seconds, Pegasus is the only system that can scale to meet the large-n challenge. The Pegasus data acquisition ecosystem goes beyond traditional autonomous digital recorders, to deliver an integrated hardware and software solution that eliminates the manual effort and complexity associated with planning, configuring, and managing large-n campaigns.
Seamless, End-to-End Workflow
Together, the Pegasus Campaign Manager, Mobile App and Data Harvesting Desktop Application make every phase of the campaign, from station pre-planning and configuration to harvesting, easier and much more efficient. A secure cloud based campaign planning and management software tool, Pegasus Campaign Manager simplifies the creation of detailed station configuration plans using pre-defined templates, and set geo-locations using enhanced mapping features.
Easy to Use & Quick to Deploy
Field staff can quickly configure and deploy a Pegasus portable digital recorder using an intuitive mobile application that has station planning, configuration workflows, State-of-Health, and real-time waveform dashboards to streamline research design, confirmation and station management.
Flexible Integration
Pegasus provides exceptional flexibility and versatility. This highly adaptable system allows you to conduct experiments with any sensor, any density for any duration. Additionally, Pegasus provides the flexibility to select the power source that best suits your experiment. The broad compatibility with any 9 to 17v DC power source allows you to select batteries that suit the experiment duration, location and logistics.
High Quality, Complete Data Sets
Pegasus redefines the definition of complete data. Easily retrieve data using the Pegasus Harvester Application which streamlines the post-harvesting work required to convert, compile or curate complete data sets. Automatically generated system response, experiment metadata and instrument metadata in stationXML format are combined with time series data in MiniSEED format to provide a dataset that is ready to analyze and archive straight from the field.
Extend Deployment Periods
The Pegasus platform brings true broadband performance with a station size, weight, and power previously only available with geophone deployments. Exceptionally low power consumption significantly reduces battery requirements, as well as overall station size and weight allowing for the efficient deployment of more stations for longer periods of time. Pegasus can also be paired with our range of low-power, high performance seismometers in our Low-Power Solution series of instruments.