Giving populations valuable seconds to prepare for an impending event.
A range of solutions for EEW
We know how to build and operate a reliable and robust mission-critical network. Our systems engineers are experts in all aspects of network design and installation, including project management, site selection, instrument recommendation, sourcing communications and telemetry, installation and training in-country staff. We will work closely with all stakeholders to ensure we build the best and most reliable seismic network possible. Our mission-critical projects include several real-time monitoring networks and earthquake early warning networks across the globe.

Our seismometers have a UVW axis configuration, resulting in sensors that are identical in response and gain. This is essential in earthquake early warning, where fast data processing is required. Our sensors offer high thermal stability, requiring little, if any, mass centering over their full operating temperature range. This means you can use broader band instruments in less well-prepared installations. This is important in earthquake early warning applications where a lower noise floor is desirable to capture the P-wave, and where spectral fitting is often used to estimate moment magnitudes.

A sensor that was purpose-built for civil defense/early warning applications.

Industry-leading sensor technology with the ability to recognize P-wave events.

Highly configurable for the fastest transmission setup for EEW.