Cascadia 120 Slim Posthole
The capabilities of the Cascadia series, now with a higher dynamic range.
Combined strong & weak motion
The Cascadia 120 Slim Posthole, combines the ultra low-noise of the Trillium 120 Slim Posthole seismometer with the high clip level of the Class A Titan accelerometer. This dual output, ultra-wide dynamic range sensor can be deployed in boreholes as narrow as 104 mm to measure both strong motion and weak motion, with absolutely no compromise in performance. With one hole to dig, a single connector, a single cable and sensor that are guaranteed to be mutually aligned, proper deployment is virtually effortless.

Data not limited by instrumentation
The Cascadia maximizes the scientific return on your investment by providing the richest possible data catalog to facilitate local and teleseismic studies. While you are monitoring for strong motion events, your instruments provide a valuable source of weak motion data that helps calibrate and train event detection algorithms, as well as benefit the broader seismology community.
A highly integrated station solution
The Cascadia series is optimized for use with our popular Centaur digital recorder. When used with the Centaur Digital Recorder, real-time tilt and azimuth correction feature permits the digitizer to correct for any tilt and misalignment at the source, eliminating the need for correction downstream. The Centaur allows for easy configuration of both sensors via the Centaur’s web interface.
Features a digital bubble level for easy downhole levelling.
Use Cases
Earthquake early warning, structural monitoring, volcano monitoring, local/regional monitoring and modelling, local/regional teleseismic monitoring and modelling.